Friday, December 15, 2006

A Publishing Slow-Down

We always hear that in publishing nothing happens in the months of August and December. If that’s truly the case I’m terrified (and excited) to see what’s going to happen in January.

Thanksgiving came and went and I haven’t been able to take a breath since. I just finished negotiating contracts for two different cozy mystery series, both were bidding wars, and two nonfiction books. A total of 11 books in just two weeks (watch Publishers Marketplace for the official announcements).

Whew! This has been the most fun I’ve had in months!

Now if only I could sit and relax. Instead I have contracts to review, checks to cut, submissions to read (from clients and hopeful clients) and Christmas cookies to bake (and I make a mean cookie).

Whatever you do, don’t believe the hype. No matter what they say there is no such thing as a slow month in publishing, at least where BookEnds is concerned.

And a little tip for those querying agents. Stop. December might not be all that slow when it comes to sales, but agents are looking to wind down the year and might not be as eager as you would like them to be to read new submissions. If I were you I’d wait until February 1. Let everyone else inundate them in January, when they are too busy opening the mail to actually read it, and you can hit them in February when they finally feel caught up and might be able to actually sit and read the letters as they open them.

Have a Happy December! I know I am.



  1. Thanks for the tip (re Feb)--I've been wondering if I should get my query out right away so agents would possibly have time over the holidays to look, or if I should wait.

    I will wait.

  2. Great tip!
    I was getting ready to send out some new submissions, but now I'll wait.
    Visiting this blog has been extremely helpful!

  3. Actually, I don't believe there is a slow down either. As a book reviewer, we were just given a list of several books coming out in January needing review and I have 8 or 10 in my pile I just can't take any more. I also think that is something readers should know - it is never a slow down time in thep ublishing business as new books are coming out every month - reviewing books has helped me in other areas as well. Also, this blog has been very helpful in that I have insight into another area of the book business.

    Thanks for the great tips and information - E :)

  4. Does this mean I might actually hear from the two agents who've had my full for a few weeks? I'm certainly hoping so...happy holidays!

  5. Now no one will submit in January, and in February you'll be over-run, LOL!


  6. Ooops! I'd e-mailed a few weeks ago and just followed up last week with a snail-mail query. THEN I read the blog, lol.

    Hope you and everyone at Bookends has a great holiday!


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