Friday, March 16, 2007

BookEnds Talks to Jamie Novak

Jamie Novak
Book: 1000 Best Quick and Easy Time-Saving Strategies
Publisher: Sourcebooks, Inc.
Pub date: March 16, 2007
Agent: Jessica Faust

(Click to Buy)

Jamie Novak is the Organizing Expert for NBC's and her tips are featured in national magazines. She's also authored the #1 book 1000 Best Organizing Secrets. Jamie's infectious energy and ability to make organizing doable makes her one of the most sought after organizers nationally. Free resources at

Author Web site:

BookEnds: Describe your book in 50 words or less.
Jamie: Packed from cover to cover with down-to-earth tips for managing your time. This book is to be read a tip at a time and then kept as a reference for years to come. Well organized and easy to read, it includes tips for every area of your personal and professional life.

BookEnds: What do you think distinguishes your work from other similar books?
Jamie: First off the size of my book makes it portable, which is perfect for busy readers. The book slips easily into purses, diaper bags, and briefcases to read it on the go. The second thing that makes my book special is that it is specifically designed to be read a tip at a time, NOT cover to cover, which again works so well for busy readers. Lastly, the book is meant to remain on the reader's bookshelf as a reference for years to come since it is packed with helpful lists and resources.

BookEnds: If readers only take away one thing from your book, what would you like it to be?
Jamie: That they can manage their time and get more organized, it is not nearly as overwhelming as they may be making it out to be.

BookEnds: How have people responded to your book?
Jamie: The comments from my readers have been overwhelming. Everyone says how the tips have changed their lives for the better and that they are inspired by my manageable suggestions.

BookEnds: What is your writing process like?
Jamie: Well, as you can imagine, it is very organized, most of the time. I start out with the title and a basic outline, and then I expand and expand the outline as I fill in the tips. Because I already know I need 1,000, I divide that number by the number of sub-chapters so I know how many I need in each section. Then I write and write, drawing from my years of in-home experience with my clients. Then I go back and keep only the very best tips in each section.

BookEnds: What would readers be surprised to know about you?
Jamie: That I'm human. Most people assume my home is perfectly organized, I never lost anything, and that I'm always on time. It's simply not true, ask my husband.

To learn more about Jamie Novak, see Our Books at


  1. Very cool! I'll be looking for this book. I have to schedule and organize in order to get everything done. I've read tons of books like this and am always looking for more.

  2. Hey Kimber,

    Do you have a favorite tip to share?

    With all you have going on, writing and jewelry making (one of my favorite things to do) you need all the time you can get. No sense wasting a minute running around looking for something you misplaced.

    I hope you love the book. Happy writing, Jamie

  3. I also have a pilot husband with a constantly changing schedule. I homeschool our children to accomadate that schedule. I have THREE, yes, three master schedules. One for School/DaddyWorking. One for School/DaddyNotWorking. And one for No School/DaddyNotWorking. I have to schedule our days in 15 or 30 minute blocks. I start by compiling lists of everyone's needs, need-to-does, and desires, then weed it all down into these master schedules. Of course, these schedules change when something else in our lives change, like a toddler suddenly not needing to sleep for an afternoon nap. It can be mind-boggling, but it's the only way to get everything done and still have time for myself too. And I HAVE to have time to write, design dresses, make jewelry, and such, or I'll go nuts.


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