Monday, April 02, 2007

Guest Blogger Debbie Allen on Shameless Self-Promotion

While there are many things that we can knowledgably talk to you about when it comes to publishing, there are many more times when it’s better to bring in a real expert on the subject. So over the course of the year we are going to try to have a number of guest bloggers come in and talk to you about what they know best. We’re hoping to cover everything from publicity and promotion to sales, marketing, and even bookselling.

Today we welcome Debbie Allen, BookEnds client and author of
Confessions of Shameless Self-Promoters, a book I review regularly to inspire me in my own shameless self-promotion. Debbie is one of the world’s leading authorities on self-promotion. Recognized for her expertise, Debbie’s book, Confessions of Shameless Self-Promoters, was bought by McGraw-Hill after its incredible success as a self-published title.


(Click to Buy)

Develop a Positive Belief About Self-Promotion

Self-promotion, when done effectively, works for ANY business or career. Once you begin to implement the proven marketing strategies behind it, it’s EASY to be successful in anything you set your mind to. In fact, when you promote yourself over and over again, you will begin to enjoy it more, and it will reward you many times over in return.

I shockingly discovered that an average of 87% of the thousands of businesspeople I’ve surveyed did NOT feel comfortable promoting themselves and avoided it MOST of the time.

In business we understand that if we don’t promote and market we can’t be successful. Right? No matter how great your service is or what amazing value you offer, if prospects don’t know about you, you’re not going to win the opportunity to do business with them.

Therefore, if you don’t promote yourself, it goes against the grain of all sales and marketing success! Right?

But why do so many people feel uncomfortable with self-promotion?

Because much of what they believe to be true about self-promotion comes from past programming that dates back to their childhood. When you grew up you may have heard comments like this, “It’s not polite to talk about yourself. It will come across as pushy or rude.”

Too many of us have 10, 20, 30 or more years of negative and/or limited beliefs rattling around in our heads about the concept of self-promotion. These limiting and negative beliefs have been programmed into our subconscious minds for years.

What were your parents, teachers, or guardians like when you were growing up? Did they believe in promoting themselves? Did they promote your self-esteem to believe that you could do anything you set your mind to? Were they risk-takers or were they conservative?

We usually hate to admit it, but we are all creatures of habit, especially when habits have been programmed into our brains since childhood.

Some people are so conditioned against self-promotion they are closed-minded about it; no matter how much it might benefit them. Now, I don’t expect you to change your belief overnight, but you can start by opening your mind to believing differently about self-promotion from this day forward.

Why believe differently? Because you can’t be truly successful if you aren’t willing to let people know that you, your product and/or services exist? If you aren’t willing to promote your talents, expertise, and products, others will quickly pass you by. The world is not going to beat a path to your door unless you pave the way.

Resenting self-promotion is one of the greatest obstacles to success.

"If you don’t toot your own horn, you can’t enjoy the music." —Debbie Allen


  1. Thanks so much, Debbie!

    Self-Promotion is so hard for me! I'm definitely going to pick up your book!

  2. Sounds like a much-needed book. It seems to me there are two sides - those who are uncomfortable with promotion and those who come across as overbearing used car salesmen in orange plaid suits. Personally, I just try to remember that it's, well, not personal. There's a difference between being personable and being persponal. I think in this business it's necessary to be personable because we need to make an emotional connection with our readers. At the same time we need to seperate that from our real, personal lives. It can be a hard line to define.

  3. Fabulous resource. Thanks!

  4. The emphasis of this is on shamelessness not self-promotion. Which is probably a good idea!

    The Hood Company

  5. But sometimes shameless self-promotion can be so boring that it actually has the opposite of the desired effect and turns people off.

  6. I have this quote from Damon Runyan in my study:

    "He that tooteth not his own horn, the same shall not be tooted."


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