Saturday, May 05, 2007

Malice Domestic Mystery Conference

Right now I'm sitting in my hotel room at the Malice Domestic conference scrambling to get out to the cocktail party (which I'm already late for) and the banquet. I didn't arrive until 10am this morning, I hopped on the 6am train) and it's been go, go, go since I got here.

I've had great appointments with all of my clients and I'm thrilled with how hard they're all working, how publicity and marketing saavy they all are and what great ideas they have. I actually have five clients here and I've heard that BookEnds made quite the impression at the Berkley Prime Crime dinner last night with (could this be possible) close to ten clients. Someone will have to chime in and tell me if my numbers are off.

There has been some very upsetting news regarding one of the publishers, but unless I get the information from the source itself (which we haven't done yet) I'm not comfortable reporting on it. So stay tuned and we'll see what we can tell you later this week (if someone doesn't comment on it before that).

Okay, off to cheer on our two Agatha nominees and eat what's probably guaranteed to be very mediocre conference food. I'm having lots of fun and plan to report more later in the week.


1 comment:

  1. Have a great time. It sounds like an awesome conference. Keep us updated.


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