Monday, July 02, 2007

Summer Quiet

It's snooze city here, as I imagine it is in a lot of places. I think everyone has already escaped for the holiday and with RWA next week those that haven't are trying to gear up for the big romance conference.

Despite the peacefulness though I've been busy. In the past few days I've negotiated a two-book deal for one of my romance authors as well as a foreign rights deal for another author. I'm also patiently waiting for an offer from another editor and have two contracts sitting on my desk that need reviewing.

And of course you all know about my recent trip for an author brainstorming meeting. I met with one of my mystery authors for a four-hour brainstorming session on her next book. This contract came out of the blue and actually fell between two books on her previous contract so it threw her planning and plotting for a bit of a loop. Together though I think we came up with a terrific plot outline and I'm really excited to see what she does with it. During brainstorming sessions with my clients, of which I do a lot, I see my role as someone who gets the ideas stirring. I throw out any thought that comes to me and watch the author mind work. It's really cool and I think it's one of the best things about my job. I love thinking that I can help an author create the work and generate the idea. What she does with it is, of course, entirely up to her, but it never hurts (in my mind) to throw an idea out there and see what happens. I make it perfectly clear to all of my clients that I don't expect them to listen to everything or anything I have to say, but if I thought flies into my head during conversations or while reading a manuscript I think it's only fair to share it.

I'm hoping to make this quiet week productive and so far today has proven to be very busy.


  1. Hi, Jessica. While catching up on some of your posts, I came across the "Bad Agent" one. You mentioned an agent should understand "things like option clauses, warranties, or subsidiary rights."

    I've heard these terms a few times before and am not sure what they mean. Would you be able to shed some light on these for me?

    I apologize if you've explained these terms before - I'm fairly new to your blog. Love it, by the way.


  2. It's wonderful to hear how you work with your authors. Some agents come across as very cynical and I can't imagine having to work with them. Your authors are very lucky to have you!

  3. Tracey:

    Do a search on option clauses. Last year I did three lengthy posts on the subject. I'm also hoping to do regular posts on contract clauses throughout the year that will cover your other concerns so keep posted.


  4. I know the industry tends to slow down in summer, but do your submissions let up at all? It always seems to me that the whole world takes a deep breath in the summer (at least in the US), but it's my busy season!


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