Monday, July 16, 2007

What I learned at RWA--Sappy Version


I'm back from RWA with a lot of information I'm sure I'll be sharing over the course of the week. On the plane though, exhausted after only 3+ hours of sleep I was thinking about what a great event it is and how wonderful conferences are in general. If you've never attended (an RWA or otherwise) I would strongly suggest doing so. It's not only an opportunity to network and mingle with agents, editors and other authors, but it's truly a time to feel good about the craft of writing and what you do.

I want to thank all of the BookEnds clients for making me laugh so hard I cried, keeping me up at all hours of the night, and making me rise at all hours of the morning. The hours are crazy but well worth it and I'm hoping to find time this week when I can recover.

Mostly though thank all the writers in attendance for reminding me how much I love my job. I'm excited to be back and work on the projects we discussed. I can't wait to find another gem in my query stack and to read the manuscripts and the books from the gems I already represent. I'm really lucky to have found a career that couldn't be more fitting. I get to read great books and work with the authors and I get to wear great shoes. How cool is that?!



  1. She's not kidding about the shoes! Jessica does FMPs better than anyone I've ever seen! And, what she said. I always come home from a writers' conference with a new excitement for my work and a sense that there is so much creative power in our community, it's got to rub off! Thank you, Jessica (and Kim, too) for making it all even more fun.

  2. Gosh. I got all excited thinking the sappy part would be about me. :(

  3. LOL, Kim! 8^) Good one.

    I love conferences, and I've attended the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers' Colorado Gold for 12 straight years in a row. In September, I'm going for 13. And I have a pitch appointment with Jessica! See you then, J.


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