Tuesday, September 18, 2007

What I'm Reading Now

I know Jessica took a stack of books to read on her trip, and I’m looking forward to hearing her reviews when she gets back. In the meantime, I thought I’d give you an update on the books I’m reading right now.

I don’t often do this, but I’m currently reading several books at once. I’m halfway through Dean Koontz's THE GOOD GUY and Anne Tyler's LADDER OF YEARS. They’re both quite good, but I guess I’ve been in a romantic mood lately, because I just read through a few historical romances and a romantic suspense while taking a break from them. I absolutely loved, loved, loved Samantha James's THE SECRET PASSION OF SIMON BLACKWELL. It reminded me of one of my old favorites, REBECCA, but with decidedly more heat. After devouring THE RAVEN PRINCE by Elizabeth Hoyt a while back, I knew I had to pick up THE LEOPARD PRINCE. Another terrific read, but I think RAVEN is still my favorite. And I’m a big Lisa Jackson fan, but it’s been too long since I’ve had a chance to pick up one of her books. I read ALMOST DEAD in one sitting. She’s such a master at suspense. And the book followed characters first introduced in IF ONLY SHE KNEW, which is one of my absolute favorites!

In the meantime, I also finished A THOUSAND SPLENDID SUNS by Khaled Hosseini for my book club. This one will be hard to beat for my favorite book of the year. I already filled you in on how that book just made me weep and weep. It really touched my heart. Our next club selection up for discussion is SUITE FRANCAISE. I haven’t started it yet, but I’m looking forward to delving in. Plus, I just made an expensive trip to the bookstore, so I’m sure I’ll have much more to talk about soon.

What are you reading now? Any recommendations?



  1. I'm in the middle of ALMOST DEAD. Verrry good. I had to dig out my old Lisa Jackson books to figure out where I'd heard the character names before. IF SHE ONLY KNEW was great.

    Lee Child's BAD LUCK AND TROUBLE was excellent as all the Jack Reacher novels are. I enjoyed George Shuman's second novel about the blind heroine who can see dead peoples' last 18 seconds of memories. (Can't remember the title!) I'm counting the days until JR Ward's next release.

  2. The Earth Is Flat, one of the most interesting and thought-provoking books I've ever crack. No, it's not fiction and terribly true.

    In the fiction world, who can resist James Patterson's The Quickie.

  3. I'm new to this blog. Can't remember where I heard about it but I am so glad I did. Great blog!
    I am reading SINCE YOU'RE LEAVING ANYWAY, TAKE OUT THE TRASH by Dixie Cash for an online discussion. It has a lot of romance and humor and of course a dead body. It is set in western Texas and is a really fun read.

  4. With my son off to college this week, I must admit to feeling a bit nostalgic. That said, my reading right now involves old friends. As much for their familiarity as for their timelessness.

    Daphne Du Maurier's "Frenchman's Creek" lulled me to sleep last night. (and yes, I still want the ending to be different.)

    While over the weekend, I fell in love all over again with Victoria Holt. "The Captive" reminded me that heroes aren't always alpha and perfect. Whereas humor and flaws have their own attraction and shouldn't be overlooked.

    Having just picked up the Leopard Prince last week, I'm intrigued by the gutsy heroine and will read on.

  5. I just read Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen and it was really great!

  6. The Reincarnationist by MJ Rose just blew me away. If this book doesn't go big in a really big way, I'm going to lose faith in the publishing industry. It's just a wow, it has gorgeous writing, perfect suspense, and even that special "it" that makes your breath catch.

    I also just finished Blood of Flowers, which was beautiful, exotic, and even inspiring. I love books that can pull me into a whole new world.

  7. just stumbled onto your blog today - it's lovely. i'm just finishing up h. murakami's 'hard-boiled wonderland and the end of the world' which is not perfect by any means, but still original and enjoyable. or if you're looking for something a little more 'out there' as per your reader's challenge, i just picked up bob dylan's novel 'tarantula' last week - there's at least one or two phrases per page that are exceptional enough to keep me reading on. it would be a good one if you're in a poetic mood.

  8. Just finished THE ROAD, the first I've read by Cormac McCarthy. Am now reading DREAMCATCHER by Stephen King. With 400+ pages to go, another of McCarthy's works is already beckoning.

  9. I'm reading A Dirty Job by Christopher Moore. I'm loving it.

  10. I to just finished reading The Road - that one sticks with you well after you've finished it. At the same time I was reading Everything I needed To about being A Girl I learned from Judy Blume.

    Oh and Robbie I loved Dreamcatcher.

    Right now I'm finishing up Owls Well That Ends Well then might have to and re-read Judy Blume's stuff.

  11. Amy M --

    Oo! GARDEN SPELLS caught my eye at the bookstore the other day. I'll have to pick it up again next time I'm there.

  12. Sorry 'bout the typo that was:

    Everything I Needed To "Learn" About Being A Girl I Learned From Judy Blume

    Fingers going faster than the brain today.

  13. Yes, I'm reading a book right now that I stole from my son's last year English class reading list. It was first pubbed in 1989, Falling Angels by Barbara Gowdy, a Canadian author. Short, very easy to read, and very compelling. I got half way through it in one sitting. It's about three sisters growing up with an alcholic mother and regimental father in the 1960s. The account of him forcing them to live in a bomb shelter for two weeks instead of going to Disneyland like promised is worth the price of the book alone.

    It's published by HarperPerennialCanada, which is a division of HarperCollins. Not sure if it's available in the U.S., but if it is, I'd definintely recommend it.

  14. I just picked up "The Monkey's Raincoat" by Robert Crais at the library after reading his "Two-Minute Rule"; it featured a character called Elvis Cole and a quick website search of his previous work told me it's a series so I'm back to the start of it all.

    Can't wait. I read the first one in three days.

  15. I have an ARC of MATRIMONY (Joshua Henkin) that I'm enjoying more than I thought I would, admittedly. I think it's coming out at the end of this month, beginning of next.

    I'll be going to work next on THE REINCARNATIONIST.

  16. Just finished Jim Harrison's RETURNING TO EARTH. If you want a book that will make you cry, Kim, I recommend it.

  17. I just finished Between, Georgia by Joshilyn Jackson.

    It didn't start with the bang her first novel gods In Alabama did but I really liked the ending and the character development.

    I don't remember ever crying while reading a book but My Sisters Keeper by Jodi Picoult did hit me hard.

    And as far as books making me think, that award would go to The Life of Pi.

    But I can't wait to read Richard Russo's new book due in October.

  18. Anything by PG Wodehouse is worth a solid look. Especially Leave it to Psmith and/or Picadilly Jim. Funny, funny man that Wodehouse.

  19. Travis--

    I've been wanting to read BETWEEN, GEORGIA too. I enjoyed GODS IN ALABAMA, but the reviews for GEORGIA were even better, so i'm intrigued.

    I loved EMPIRE FALLS and am eagerly awaiting BRIDGE OF SIGHS too.

  20. I started When My Sister was Cleopatra Moon (Frances Park) last night, and will probably begin Eric Laing's Cicada today.

  21. I've been in a historical romance swing as well. Loved the Leopard Prince so I went out and got the Raven Prince and the Serpent Prince. LOVED all of them - but I agree with Kim I think Raven is my favorite.

    Next up I want to read Jodi Picoult. A friend recommended her. And Neil Gaiman's American Gods.

    And somewhere in there I have to finish my own deadline book!

  22. Ask Again Later by Jill Davis. This book was lol funny! But even so, not as funny as her first, Girls Poker Night.

    I just love the quirky sense of humor, angst, and survival skills Davis gives her heroines.

  23. I'm sitting in a tub of icecubes reading BAD GIRL by Maya Reynolds - and it's still hot in here!

  24. LOL...damn. Such a literary crew here! Well, I just finished Fairyville by Emma Holly and loved every word. I write erotic romance, and she does too, but there's something about the way she builds her stories that leaves me speechless! I love good writing, and Emma definitely comes through!

  25. LOL...damn. Such a literary crew here! Well, I just finished Fairyville by Emma Holly and loved every word. I write erotic romance, and she does too, but there's something about the way she builds her stories that leaves me speechless! I love good writing, and Emma definitely comes through!buccx

  26. Just finished Karma Girl by Jennifer Estep, which I thoroughly enjoyed.

    Along the same vein (these two were picked up at the RWA conference), Must Love Dragons by Stephanie Rowe was a delightful romp.

    Currently, reading Jennifer Weiner's book, Good Night Nobody. And Memories of John Lennon edited by Yoko Ono.

    Good Stuff!!


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