Friday, December 21, 2007

Happy Holidays!

BookEnds is closed for the holidays until Wednesday, January 2, 2008.

Have a wonderful holiday and we'll be blogging again in the New Year.


  1. Have a great holiday and all the best for 2008. And thank you for all the advice and information you gave us all year.

  2. I would like to second anne-marie. Thank you for all the advice you've given us. It's like a present that we get to open a little at a time over a whole year. I hope you holidays are spectacular.

  3. Thanks for the advice and for the monumental query critiquing project. You deserve a rest. Happy holidays!

  4. Have a Happy! Bestest of wishes for the New Year!
    Thanks for all your help.

  5. Have wonderful holidays! Thank you for the wonderful blog to read every day!

  6. P.S. - And a happy holidays and thank you to the authors and commenters who comment on this blog. It's that much more enjoyable because it's a community. Thanks to you, too!

  7. Have a wonderful holiday and a great 2008. Thank you for all the advice and wisdom you've given us.

  8. Happy holidays to you. Thank's for all your guidance and help. I enjoy reading your blog. Hope your new year is the best ever.

  9. Have a "No, Don't" Holiday to one and all.

    Feel like you've gotta bake some more cookies? No, don't. Kick back. You've made enough cookies. Eat some instead. Or better yet, freeze 'em for January, the grayest, most miserable January day coming up, when you could use a little sparkly sugary pizazz. Or: Talk your rich relative into investing in your great business idea: Year-Round Christmas Cookie Drive-Throughs (Stores will look like gingerbread houses, natch).

    How 'bout more presents? Should you run to the store at the last minute for...whatever? No, don't. Just sit by the tree - a quiet moment appreciating a Christmas tree is worth a thousand presents. (Okay maybe not that many, but you get the idea)

    Getting all stressed about holiday mathematics - (X number of relatives in Y space) or logistics (how can we be 3 places at once on Christmas Day)? No, don't. Relax. It will all work out. That's the magic of Christmas!

  10. Happy Holidays and wishes for a prosperous New Year. Thanks for your tips and advice --- as an aspiring author ... I appreciate what you do here!!

    Thank you - Thank you - Thank you!

  11. Happy holidays, and thank you all so much for what you offer!

  12. Happy holidays. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it. It truly is a magical time of year.

    Best wishes to you and yours. Also, kind regards to all the writers here, who enrich the experience.


  13. Thanks for a great year of blogs! Hope you had a great Christmas and wish you a great 2008!


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