Friday, March 19, 2010

Spring Fever

Seventy degrees and sunny in March. I have Spring fever and a pile of reading. Sounds like the perfect day to me.

Have a great weekend!



  1. Warm weather, reading, how rare, that somebody actually loves their job...oh, I love mine too and I work retail, weird huh. Life is good.

  2. Ooo, crocuses! We don't have any here in Colorado yet. In fact, it's snowing this morning. Thanks for sharing the Spring picture. =o)

  3. I can't wait until it's warm enough for me to resume reading outside on my screened-in porch!

  4. I'm in OK. Forecast calls for spring weather today, up to seven inches of snow tomorrow. Go figure!

  5. I've just begun Ken Follett's Pillars of the Earth, (already read World Without End... wonderful book!) so I have a loooong read ahead of me, and this afternoon may be the perfect time, outside, with a glass of wine, or a cup of tea!

    Oh, wait a minute... I have work to do!!! Good thing I love what I do!

  6. Its beautiful here, too. Should be a lovely weekend.

    Sitting out in sunny weather - reading - sounds wonderful. I hope you and everyone have a great weekend!

  7. Wow - have a great day - sounds perfect for sure :)

  8. Spring finally hit here in the mountains (northern California) and our bulbs have practically exploded out of the ground--hyacinths, crocuses, daffodils and narcissus are all blooming at once. It's gorgeous. I did my reading last night--Allison Brennan's ORIGINAL SIN. Spooky and SO good! Today I write.

  9. That picture of the crocuses looks like it was taken in my yard! Yay Spring.

  10. I'm actually surprised that this post is rather pleasant. The past few ones have been a little intimidating, in all honesty.

  11. purple crocuses appeared in my city backyard a few days ago..I was so excited. They are the official start of spring for me (that and the Mister Softee jingle).

  12. Here in Seattle we've had spring fever for months! Our daffodils and hyacinths are showing massive displays, and my husband and son went skiing in shorts today while my daughter and I wandered downtown markets and parks (school in-service day). I pruned some roses, but the others are already out of control. My chores sound pretty good even to me!

  13. I'm just glad that the several inches of snow we're scheduled to get (and so far this morning, living up to the billing) didn't come after all the spring temps arrived (although we've been in the 60s this week) and everything started blooming. That happened to me last year. :-\

  14. Nice.

    We're at a crossroads here in Michigan, which I call a Wring. (Winter+Spring). Yes, I know, very creative, right?

    Well, in 'Wring time' it's nearly 60 degrees one day and 20 with snow the next. So you can go outside and read, just bring a winter jacket just in case. :) (See, we have "Spring Fever", too. If you don't mind the chance of actually catching a cold and getting a fever you'll be alright)


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