Friday, May 28, 2010

Fabulous & Charitable Opportunity

BookEnds will be closed today through Monday in observance of the Memorial Day weekend.

Our plan is to spend time soaking up the sun while drinking margaritas and reading books that thrill us. In between cocktails, however, we’ll be keeping an eye on Brenda Novak’s Auction for Diabetes Research and strongly suggest you do too.

For those of you not familiar with Brenda’s work, each year Brenda holds an auction and brings in thousands of dollars for a great cause. Kim and I have each donated a proposal critique (mine includes either a meeting or phone consultation). There are also signed books, vacations, computers, and hundreds of other fun items. The auction ends May 31, so get out there and bid.

Have a great and safe holiday and enjoy the unofficial start of summer, and we'll be back Tuesday.



  1. Have a great holiday! I love Brenda's auction and donated a gift basket this year: Irish-themed Basket, in case any one is interested.

  2. Please, lets not forget what this holiday is about.Margaritas on Memorial Day are great but so is the sacrifices our veterans make. I don't mean to bring anyone down, but while you celebrate shake a vets hand, say thanks, or plant a flag by headstone.

    Peace to all...those below the ground and to those above the ground.

    NOW...margarita anyone ?


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