Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Ninth Day of Bookmas

Welcome to day nine of our Bookmas Giveaway contest. For those who missed the rules, hop back over to the November 30 post and give a quick read.

And of course, before we start today’s contest, we need to announce yesterday’s winner. Yesterday’s question from Jessica Faust was:

While traveling to speak at the New Zealand Romance Writers Conference (amazing, by the way), I had a lot of time to read. I mean A LOT of time to read. That's 30+ hours of plane time. Luckily for me I was two books behind on one of my all-time favorite authors. Who is that author and what two books was I behind on reading?

And the answer is Sarah Addison Allen: The Peach Keeper and The Girl Who Chased the Moon.

Congratulations to BW. Please email your contact information to blog@bookends-inc.com and we’ll get your prize out immediately.

Now on to our contest . . .

As a former editor and current agent, I've read dozens of manuscripts 2, 3, 4 . . . maybe even 5 times. I love the editorial process and each time I read these books they are slightly different, because the authors and I are usually working on revisions together, but I'm not going to lie . . . it can all get quite repetitive. Maybe that's why I'm not one of those people that reads her favorite books over and over again. Once is usually enough for me. I'd prefer to read something new where there are still surprises in store for me.

That said, I can think of three authors whose works I've actually chosen to read more than once -- not been forced into through a class requirement. In most cases, I'd read them for the first time when I was younger and wanted to see if they still held up for me years later.

What three authors have I chosen to read more than once?

Clues can be found here, using the Twitter hashtag #bookmas or by seeing what these authors have to say:

Krista Davis
Heather Blake
Paige Shelton
Sharla Lovelace
Janet Bolin
Snarky Mommy
Monica Marlowe
Amy Eller Lewis
Ellery Adams
Erin Kellison
Peg Cochran
Elizabeth Buzzelli
Laura Alden
Sally MacKenzie
Stacey Kennedy
Charlotte Featherstone
Jennifer Delamere
Avery Aames
Molly Cannon
Erika Chase
Bill Crider
C. C. Hunter
Sofie Kelly
Annie Knox

Kim Lenox
Hannah Reed
Gina Robinson
Andrea Laurence



  1. 1. Phyllis A. Whitney

    2. Jane Austen

    3. William Shakespeare

  2. Dang it, she got here ahead of me.
    Phyllis A. Whitney
    Jane Austen
    William Shakespeare


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