Thursday, December 08, 2011

The Sixth Day of Bookmas

Welcome to day six of our Bookmas Giveaway contest. For those who missed the rules, hop back over to the November 30 post and give a quick read.

And of course, before we start today’s contest, we need to announce yesterday’s winner. Yesterday’s question was a two-parter: What was the first book Jessica Alvarez found for Harlequin Historical, and what was the first book she found for Love Inspired?

And the answers are Shades of Gray by Wendy Douglas and Finding Hope by Brenda Coulter.

Congratulations to Kaitlyne. Please email your contact information to and we’ll get your prize out immediately.

Now on to our contest . . .

In college there were a few authors and novels that made a lasting impression on me. And back then I was a big fan of word-as-wall-art decor. When I moved to New York to start my first job in publishing, I had two framed pieces with excerpts from famous books hanging on my apartment walls. I'd bought one of them myself from the Guggenheim and the other was a gift from my mom that she'd found while on vacation.

What works were these pieces taken from and who were their authors?

Clues can be found here, using the Twitter hashtag #bookmas or by seeing what these authors have to say:

Krista Davis
Heather Blake
Paige Shelton
Sharla Lovelace
Janet Bolin
Snarky Mommy
Monica Marlowe
Amy Eller Lewis
Ellery Adams
Erin Kellison
Peg Cochran
Elizabeth Buzzelli
Laura Alden
Sally MacKenzie
Stacey Kennedy
Charlotte Featherstone
Jennifer Delamere
Avery Aames
Molly Cannon
Erika Chase
Bill Crider
C. C. Hunter
Sofie Kelly
Annie Knox

Kim Lenox
Hannah Reed
Gina Robinson
Andrea Laurence



  1. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

    As You Like It by Shakespeare

  2. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

    Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare

  3. I've got Hamlet by Shakespeare and

    The invisible man by Ralph Ellison

  4. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison
    and Hamlet by Shakespeare

  5. It's the Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison and Hamlet by Shakespeare.


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