Friday, December 16, 2011

The Twelfth Day of Bookmas

Welcome to day twelve of our Bookmas Giveaway contest. For those who missed the rules, hop back over to the November 30 post and give a quick read.

And of course, before we start today’s contest, we need to announce yesterday’s winner. Yesterday’s question was: Can you name one or both of the niche magazines Jessica Alvarez interned for during her senior year in college?

And the answers are Footwear News and/or the now-defunct InStep Magazine.

Since only one of the two answers was required, Working Stiffs is technically our winner. But daniel john10 commented shortly after Working Stiffs with both correct answers, so in the spirit of giving we're declaring both as winners. Please email your contact information to and we’ll get your prizes out immediately.

Now on to our contest . . .

While you're reading this last day of Bookmas, BookEnds agents are already settling into our holiday luncheon and raising our glasses to celebrate what's been a tremendous year. Don't worry, though. I'll pop in on Monday to reveal the answer to today's clue and send you off into the new year with a warm glass of glogg.

I had just finished my very first interview in book publishing. I was nervous, excited, and overwhelmed by New York City, tall buildings, and the prospect that I'd just discovered my dream job. As with any publisher, when walking through the office there were books and posters everywhere and I couldn't get enough of seeing what types of books they published and who they published. Some of the authors I was already a fan of, many I'd never heard of. However, what really made the experience was when I got off the train to head home that afternoon, I noticed a gentleman walking next to me carrying a book. A book I had just seen a poster of in the offices where I interviewed. I can remember that moment as vividly as if it were yesterday.

What was the book and who was the author?

Clues can be found here, using the Twitter hashtag #bookmas or by seeing what these authors have to say:

Krista Davis
Heather Blake
Paige Shelton
Sharla Lovelace
Janet Bolin
Snarky Mommy
Monica Marlowe
Amy Eller Lewis
Ellery Adams
Erin Kellison
Peg Cochran
Elizabeth Buzzelli
Laura Alden
Sally MacKenzie
Stacey Kennedy
Charlotte Featherstone
Jennifer Delamere
Avery Aames
Molly Cannon
Erika Chase
Bill Crider
C. C. Hunter
Sofie Kelly
Annie Knox

Kim Lenox
Hannah Reed
Gina Robinson
Andrea Laurence

Jessica Faust


  1. Just a reminder for all you bookmas players that today is the last day to get entered for my special Bookmas prize.!/AuthorAndreaLaurence

    I'm also doing a Christmas Carol game on my blog with a Christmas romance novella up for grabs, so come play.

  2. Paper Doll Robert B. Parker?

  3. I just want to thank Bookends for including me in the prize for yesterday.

  4. Novel Drug Delivery System (NDDS): Development of nanotechnology-based, sustained release and targeted delivery formulations with NDDS to reduce adverse drug reactions and side-effects in the therapeutic areas of oncology, NSAID, neuro science, arthritic disorders, stress and lifestyle related diseases, immuno chemistry, infectious diseases and wound healing.
    Novel drug delivery system

  5. I wrote this for my writing group, but I thought your blog readers would get a kick out of it, too.

    A Writer's Christmas

    A group of writers, all in a row, 
    give heart palpitations to agents in the know. 

    We've all crossed our t's and inserted our commas,
    and await their responses like anxious young mamas. 

    But what in front of my eyes should appear? 
    An email from an agent...finally, it's here! 

    "Dear writer," it says, in a readable font, 
    "this is not, I fear, at all what I want. 

    "Don't take it hard, don't go away unhappy, 
    it was just hard to take it seriously when you called that bird "flappy." 

    "It's back to the drawing board but don't worry, you'll get better, 
    and maybe next year I can send you an acceptance letter."

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

  6. Hello and thank you. I just found your blog. Merry Christmas to Me !!


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