Monday, January 02, 2012

Happy New Year!

If, like me, you were lucky to be able to take some time off over the holidays, welcome back. Like most agents and editors in publishing, we're returning refreshed, relaxed, and, most important, hungry for great new projects.

Personally, I'm really looking forward to 2012 and all that it will bring. Let's face it, 2011 was an interesting year in publishing. We saw a whole lot of change, most of it really exciting for everyone. Ebooks exploded and with that the doors opened for authors to self-publish and forge their own paths if they wished. It also changed things for publishers and agents, who needed and need to find ways to continue assisting and growing authors. I think it's fair to say we're all still exploring where we fit in this new world, and that means authors, agents, and editors. There are new options and each one has its challenges and its rewards. I'm a believer, however, that each of us needs to take the path that works for us individually and that no decision is set in stone. That we can change our path at any point and try something new. That's the great thing about this new world.

I am somewhat sad to say that I'm going to continue taking queries on referral only at this point. My wonderful clients have been keeping me very busy, and to give them the attention they need and deserve I want to limit my query inbox. Lauren, Kim, and Jessica are still open for queries and hungry for something new. Check the Submissions page to see what they're looking for these days. I'll also try to encourage them to do blog posts. And, one thing to note, while closed to queries last year I actually signed three new clients.

We had an incredibly successful 2011, one of our best years ever, so it's impossible to go into 2012 with anything but enthusiasm. I can't wait to see what the year brings for BookEnds and to hear what it brings for all of you.



  1. Welcome back to the office, Jessica. Glad to hear your holidays went so well. I also look forward to the great authors that will be agented this year...and the stories they will share. Thanks for all your contributions to good literature for us avid readers.

  2. Happy New Year, Jessica (and BookEnds)! This seems like a good time to say THANK YOU for this blog and for all of the time, thought, and dedication you invest into it in order to help the community. It is very much appreciated.
    I hope you have a wonderful 2012!

  3. Wishing a fabulous 2012 for everyone at Bookends!

  4. Hi Jessica! Thanks for posting that - I love what you said about agents needing to continue to find ways to help grow new authors - pretty cool to think that the possibilities of indie publishing aren't necessarily the end of author/agent relationships! Sweet!

    Happy new year and good luck in 2012!

  5. I think this blog is one of the reasons your agency has been so successful. So many writers come here for inspiration and information--you're doing a huge service to the publishing industry! Enjoy your success, because you all deserve it. Thank you for all you do.


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