Monday, April 09, 2012


Those of you who follow us on Twitter have probably seen the news already. All BookEnds agents have new email addresses that should be used for future submissions and queries.

All changes have been made accordingly to our website Submissions and About Us pages. And, in addition to telling you about our email addresses, we thought we'd use this opportunity to let you know what we're looking for these days.


Jessica Faust

Jessica is currently accepting queries via referral only. There is an office rumor that she might open for a month or so at a time later in the year. If that occurs she'll be looking for cozy mysteries, contemporary romance, historical romance, steampunk (romance and otherwise), and a very limited amount of paranormal romance. She's also looking for women's fiction. In nonfiction Jessica is looking for business books only.

Kim Lionetti

Kim is currently closed to submissions. Please check the Submissions page of the BookEnds website periodically for an announcement about when she's open to queries again.

Jessica Alvarez

Not too much has changed in what I’m looking for since this post in September. I still have a fairly narrow focus—romance, women’s fiction, and female-focused erotica—but I’ve decided to add cozy mysteries to the mix. In terms of romance, I’m looking for all types of adult romance (in other words, not YA). I had some success in 2011 with historical and inspirational romance, and would like plenty more of those, but I’d like to see contemporaries and books with high sensuality too. With my editorial background at Harlequin, I am open to category romance submissions. I will warn you now that I have been very tough on my romantic suspense and paranormal submissions. I’m still looking for books in both areas, but they have to be phenomenal to keep my attention. Please note that I’m not looking for fantasy, sci-fi, YA, novellas, or nonfiction.

Lauren Ruth

In fiction, Lauren is looking for: romance—all genres; literary fiction; commercial fiction, especially up-market urban fantasy with romantic elements; middle-grade—all subgenres; young adult—all subgenres; mystery, with a strong focus on cozies; women's fiction on the literary side; and smart chick lit, a la The Devil Wears Prada. On the nonfiction side, she's looking for memoir, parenting and family, relationships, food and lifestyle, business, popular science, popular culture, and popular psychology.


  1. Question: Do emails sent to the new addresses generate an auto-response? This is a feature I know some agents have set up on their "submissions" email accounts, and I like it since it tells me my email went through okay. This is especially good when the email has a requested attachment. Thanks!

  2. Oh, yay! I write cozies, and I've been seeing too many agents veering AWAY from them, insead of TOWARD them, so it's nice to see this.

  3. Hello, just a quick question (is it ever quick?)...

    I have a book being published in the UK this summer. My publisher holds UK print rights but World ebook rights.

    The subject matter is something that I feel would be of interest to an American audience. Would the fact that my UK publisher holds World ebook rights be a deal breaker for an American agent / publisher?

    kindest regards, Michael.


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