Monday, October 06, 2014

I'm Baaaaaack!

This is probably harder for me to believe than it is for you, but after more than two years and lots and lots of thinking I've made the decision to come back. Well I've made the decision to test the waters a bit and see if coming back to blogging is something I really want to do.

First let me start by thanking all of you who have read, are reading, who have come back to read the blog. I especially want to thank those who have stopped me over the years to tell me how much you loved and missed the blog. I can't even begin to tell you how much it has meant to me. As writers yourselves I imagine you have some idea of what it feels like to have a reader express appreciation for the work you do.

A lot has changed in the publishing world in the last two years, a lot was changing when I left. I have no doubt that because of this changing world my posts are going to be a lot different from what I wrote about 8, 5 or even 2 years ago. I'll probably write less on query letters and more on industry news. Maybe. I don't know.

In other words, I really don't have any idea what I'll be writing about or how often I'll be writing. What I can guarantee is that whatever I write about it will be the same me you've gotten to know over the years. I'll say it the only way I know how, truthfully and directly, and I'll probably get myself in trouble a time or two.

So let's get the ball rolling. Welcome to all of you who are here and please, in the comments, let me know what you'd like to hear about or what you'd like to hear me rant, rave, or generally drone on about.

It's good to be back!

--Jessica Faust (JHF)


  1. Whoa! Nice surprise on a chilly Monday morning! :-)

  2. I read this blog faithfully when I was just starting my writing career and I can honestly say I am so glad to have you back! It was great to be able to have a little insight as to what happens on your side of the desk. Happy writing!

  3. Industry news from an insider is always great reading. Welcome back!

  4. Woot woot!! Glad your back! I would like to know more industry news!! :)

  5. Welcome back, Jessica. This is wonderful news!

  6. *waves cheerfully in greeting* :D

  7. You made my day brighter! Honestly, your input is more valuable now than ever before. Doesn't feel like any of the old rules apply, and we are all like pioneers without a trusted trail guide. We need a trail guide. And who better than you?

  8. Yay! I'm so excited to hear you're back. Can't wait to read your blog posts again. Minnesota nice. That's all I can say. :)

  9. Welcome back, Jessica! I haven't been a regular follower, but I'd be interested in seeing an agent's take on the publishing world as it is now.

  10. Welcome back, Jessica! Your blog was one of my favorites, and I'm so looking forward to reading your new posts. Your insight is always appreciated and valued! :)

  11. Welcome back, Jessica!
    So pleased. Your previous blog posts helped me immensely!
    Glad you've come back to us!
    Looking forward to hearing more from you!
    Writing's going well, just won the Pacific Hearts Award for the full novel with A Long Trail Rolling (Prev. Express Desire).

    Lizzi Tremayne

  12. Delighted to see you're turning your attention back to the Book Ends blog, Jessica! I read so many of the posts, no matter how old, and always learned something more about the industry. Welcome, welcome! I look forward to hearing what you've got to say with your unique perspective on this ever-changing business.

  13. So glad to see you back. I've missed your insights and tips. Welcome back.

  14. Welcome back! I'm looking forward to your take on the current state of the industry.

  15. Your blog was one of the best resources around when I was first trying to figure out this whole "writing" thing. (You were kind enough to answer a question or two of mine, too!) I'm really happy to see that you're going to be blogging again, and I would definitely urge you to still do newbie writer questions occasionally - there's a lot of advice out there, some better and some worse, and it was nice to have an actual agent say "do this and don't do that" instead of just having to hope that so-and-so with a blog (but no publication credits) knew what they were talking about.

    So in summary: welcome back!

  16. Welcome back! I'd like to see a blog post about agent ethics - when to backflip from joy, vs when to run screaming.

  17. Welcome back. Dare I use !!!!!!!!!

    I'm looking forward to learning as much from you this time around as I did the last time.

  18. Welcome back! I learned so much from you "back when," and am very happy that you're opening the classroom doors again.

  19. It's wonderful to have you back! Looking forward to reading your thoughts and the info you choose to share.

  20. As one of those writers who continually pounds on doors without getting any response, I viewed your blog as a spy camera into the inner sanctum. I'm really happy to have my camera up and working again!

  21. Do all these comments answer your question? Blog on what matters to you, advice you want to share, and do it on your schedule.

    Many who blogged in the early days had a specific agenda and rigerous schedule. That has changed too.

  22. Great to have you back, Jessica!

  23. Echoing everyone else... lovely surprise. Welcome back.

  24. It's so great to see you!! I only started reading this blog this year, so I was kinda sad that the last post was in 2012. Here's hoping this blog will be just as rewarding for you now as it was then!

  25. If you go away, again, we’ll send you up to your room -or down to the basement,urggggg- without supper.


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