Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Reader Question: SF and Fantasy Submissions

Thank you for such an informative blog! I know it's time-consuming, but it's very much appreciated!

My question: Your website states you don't accept SF or fantasy . . . but, how about fantasy romance or SF romance? They're increasingly popular, I believe. Are you accepting submissions in those sub-genres?

Thank you. It is time-consuming, but as someone who always has something to say it's been a joy.

We are absolutely accepting submissions in every sub-genre of romance. As I'm sure you've noticed, there's been a colision of genres. SF, romance, and mystery can be found in almost every genre now. So, while we aren't accepting what would be classified as straight SF or fantasy, things that could only be published in that category or shelved in that section of the bookstore, we are certainly accepting romances, mysteries, and women's fiction with a paranormal or fantasy theme.

The trick in trying to figure out what agents to submit to is to figure out what your book is first. Is it a mystery first with a touch of romance or a romance first with a mystery element? Is it a fantasy with a romance or a romance with fantastical elements?

A little secret . . . I will often submit those paranormal/fantasy romances to SF/Fantasy editors as well as romance editors.



  1. Does this also include romantic fantasy books that may be a series--i.e. a Happily For Now ending?

  2. Jessica mentioned submitting s/f romances to s/f and fantasy publishers--I was really surprised this year to find out that some "straight" S/F/Fantasy publishers are buying stories that cross over into the realm of
    romance. I find it interesting how much blending there appears to be among the varous sub-genres.

  3. Yes, a series is great. And Kate is right. All genres are crossing over now. I'm having more and more lunches with fantasy editors as well as romance editors. And it's happening in all genres. I'm looking at mysteries now that have paranormal elements too and might work for fantasy editors and more and more romances don't always end in happily ever after, but are instead a series of happily ever afters. It's an interesting and fun time in publishing right now.

    I think the key is to know who your book will appeal to and whether that reader crosses over. Do some comparison shopping in all genres of the bookstore to see where you think your book fits best. That will help you pick an agent.

  4. Well, this is a surprise! I've found your blog so educational, but had no intention of submitting a query. I write Romantic Science Fiction. I love cross-overs, though the genre-splitting can be terribly confusing for authors and readers alike.

  5. The genre splitting is confusing for everyone, even some agents and editors. The best thing you can do is if you're writing a cross-over book and an agent you're interested in does at least half the cross-over don't hesitate to send a query. It can't hurt to be honest and say, I know you represent romance and specifically say not science fiction, but would you be interested in my....

    What's the worst thing that can happen?


  6. You answered my question--I'm so pleased! Thank you for the answer, and the comments afterwards. :-)
    Shari Boullion


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