Thursday, January 11, 2007

Vote for BookEnds

Hey, Blog Readers, I was just told by Kate Douglas that we’ve been nominated for the Preditors & Editors Readers’ Poll as the best Writers Resource and Information Page, and you know what? I want to win. So head to the Web site below and vote for BookEnds, and while you’re there take a gander at this amazing site. Preditors & Editors does incredible work to protect authors from scammers, and anything we can do to support their work, we will.

Oh, and voting ends Sunday the 14th, so hurry! And tell your friends . . . boy I’m competitive.

And while we’re at it, I want to use this opportunity to ask you if you think there’s anything BookEnds can do to improve either our blog or Web site. Who better to ask than the reader? We already owe thanks to one saavy commenter, who suggested we add a “buy this book” link to our author interviews. A brilliant idea!

Thanks for the vote!



  1. Done. Now I'm going to go advertise at my writer's group. Via email.

    I HOPE YOU WIN!!!!

  2. hi
    i hit the vote button, does that mean i voted.......please tell me yes.

  3. Hi, I just voted and then looked at the results. BookEnds is currently in 2nd place; but if everyone votes, it just might win! :-)

  4. Whooo-hooo! Keep voting folks. We're almost there!



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