Jessica posing with
Kate Douglas

Kim sitting with Kate Douglas
after the awards ceremony

Audrey LaFehr of Kensington,
Kate Douglas, and Jessica

A picture of the hotel atrium
taken from above
Picture credits go to Kate Douglas (www.katedouglas.com/RWA2006/) and Jolie Mathis (http://joliemathis.blogspot.com/).
It all sounds so wonderful, and looks like you ladies had a blast!
A note to the young'ns among you--as the official old broad in the group, I know to get my photos posted quickly and the URL sent to my agent and editor. Notice who gets the spot on the blog? Just a heads up to those of you still in "Promo 101" Actually, I had such a terrific time at RWA and always enjoy seeing my terrific agent, and I loved meeting Kim. Even got to meet my editor, who is ALSO much younger than me. I figure I'm old, I've got the experience. They're young and have a lot more energy to make me a success, right? Well, it sounds good in theory, anyway! Thanks Jessica, for food, fun and, as always, excellent advice.
Nice, NICE gowns!
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